Simon Chambers is an artist and lecturer.

He studied life painting as a postgraduate at The Slade School of Fine Art, other undergraduate and postgraduate study and research was undertaken at Norwich School of Art, Byam Shaw School of Art, University of Hertfordshire and the Institute of Education.

Both undergraduate study and postgraduate research were characterised by an investigation in optical and perceptual palimpsests of painting in sustained engagement with the human form in space and time. Further study and research was undertaken into the dialogue of the digital screen and the materiality of haptic intertextuality.

During his studies he was awarded scholarships from the Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers, the Boise Travel Scholarship; UCL and the Aeneas Award from the Royal Academy of Art.

Simon has taught in Further and Higher Education since 1997, he is currently co course leader for a Foundation Diploma in Art & Design. Other teaching and advisory roles have been with the Slade Short Course programme, Bartlett School of Architecture, The Guardian, University of Hertfordshire, Cambridge School of Art, UCAS advisor to the Royal Drawing School in 2017/2018 and is a UAL Awarding Body subject matter expert.


MA Hyperfictions; Interactive Digital Media 2005-2008

University of Hertfordshire

Postgraduate Certificate in Education, Post Compulsory Education.

Institute of Education, University of London. 1997-1998.

Higher Diploma in Fine Art.

Slade School of Fine Art, University College London. 1992-1994.

Postgraduate Studies.

Byam Shaw School of Art. 1990-1991.

Bachelor of Arts (Hons), Fine Art; Painting: Upper Second.

Norwich School of Art and Design. 1987-1990.

Foundation Course in Art and Design.

Hertfordshire College of Art and Design. 1986-1987.


Aeneas Award; Royal Academy of Art, 1994.

The Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers; Postgraduate Bursary in Painting, 1991.

Boise Travel Award; Spain. University College London, 1991.